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Earth Day Challenge

You have 107 opportunities to gain points.  Some challenges are worth more points that others. 


The Individual that completes the most points first and before the end of May will win prizes. 

How to do and prove challenges.  Well:

  1. Read it

  2. Do it

  3. Take a video or picture of you doing it (you or your voice must be in these pictures or video)

  4. Send picture/video to:


There will be prizes for 1st – 3rd place winners.  Challenges in RED are worth 2 points.  Challenges in Black are worth 1 point


Are you ready?  Then lets begin

40 points to finish, but the most WINS!

  1. 25 burpees - video

  2. Go outside and show us on video of an actual Food Web Chain.  Explain the species and either go up or down on the chain

  3. Pull an actual Invasive species (pic) tell us what it is 

  4. Pick up some trash – but make sure to recycle

  5. Show us a fruit/veg label (from store) must see location where it comes from.  Give us a thumbs up or down based on where it is from (pic)

  6. Hike up to the top of a hill or mountain (pic)

  7. Go to a river, lake or pond  - take a picture of your reflection

  8. Point to a native species and tell us what it is (pic)

  9. Go online take a picture of an extinct animal or plant tell us what it is

  10. Do Mountain Climbers for a minute

  11. Travel to a dam or make your own in your yard and take a picture of it

  12. Go for a bike ride (video)

  13. Look up at the stars at night pick out your favorite and tell us what it real name is

  14. Do a yoga pose (pic)

  15. Draw your favorite native animal and tell us why its important

  16. Find your favorite vegetable take a bit (pic) now take a pic of one you don’t like (eating it)

  17. Find a purple native flower

  18. Build a small structure out of rocks that will house a small animal and take a pic with you in it

  19. Plant a tree, bush or flower (video)

  20. Travel to the snow (take pic)

  21. Stand next to a Giant or Coastal Sequoia Tree (pic)

  22. 50 jumping jacks

  23. Take a picture of a live real fish in its natural environment (video with you in it)

  24. Take a picture of a preying mantis or lady bug – tell us why they are important in email

  25. Take sand, pour onto a white paper, to make sand art – must represent a living thing.

  26. Write an encouraging letter to your senior neighbor and deliver in a safe manner (pic)

  27. Do something kind for a senior (pic)

  28. Video of you demonstrating a Leave No Trace Principal

  29. 35 Walking lounges

  30. Picture of good and picture of bad air quality in your neighborhood or in the mountains

  31. Stand in front of US Forest or National Park sign

  32. Do a hand or forearm stand

  33. Short clip of you playing a board game (not video game) with your family or friends

  34. Use a pedometer and show that you have taken 10,000 steps

  35. Create a compost pile

  36. Find a worm

  37. Picture of you using a Nalgene or reusable bottle

  38. Go to a park that has a small climb wall and send pic of you on it

  39. Find an acorn or a pinecone

  40. Picture of you and a park ranger, Army Corp or Fire Fighter but stand 6 feet apart

  41. Picture of you with a bee or standing next to bee boxes.  Tell us why they are important

  42. Video of you sewing or repairing your old clothes

  43. A picture of something organic tell us why its important (must have label and you in pic)

  44. Jump Rope 100 rounds

  45. Picture you donating your old stuff

  46. Picture of you volunteering (2 points for each different event max of 8)

  47. Plank in a fun but unusual place

  48. Walk your dog, child, or family member

  49. Do a pull up

  50. Take a picture of you pulling Saspenia ß Im sure I spelled that wrong

  51. Picture of you lifting weights – at least 10lbs 

  52. Build a tent outside from any items you have and crawl inside for pic

  53. Make a funny video about you being lost in the woods and find your way out

  54. In an effort to reuse – make something creative out of your toilet paper roll

  55. Short video of you playing a sport with your family or friends

  56. Make a snowflake without using scissors or a blade

  57. Go fishing or at least try

  58. 25 box jumps without stopping

  59. 20 Triceps Dips

  60. Do a cartwheel in the park or somewhere fun outside (video)

  61. 35 push ups

  62. Take a picture of you at the farmers market.

  63. A picture of An obvious reusable shopping bag (remember you must be in pic)

  64. Picture of a reusable straw not made of plastic

  65. Find something that is in your trash, pull it out and turn it into a piece of art

  66. Try a new skill (skateboard, hula hoop, drawing, juggling, spilts, sculpting, cooking)

  67. Draw an insect and tell us why its important

  68. Short Video of you making a healthy meal – tell us what it is

  69. Go find a geocache (look this up it is real fun)

  70. Short video  -  Boulder up a rock (make sure your safe)

  71. Find a mushroom

  72. A picture of a spider in its web

  73. A picture of you near a waterfall

  74. Make bubbles

  75. A creative / fun (can be funny) short video about conservation

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