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Actively looks for opportunities to preserve, protect, maintain and develop in environment.  Basically a Conservationist asks themselves, "What can I do to make a difference".  (Reduce or reuse at home, turn off the lights, reduce my use of water)

When we vote with our dollar.  Every time we purchase something we are telling society it is ok to have that item produced, transported and sold as it is.  So if you are buying toxic items that have been transported far away then in a way you are saying "Its ok for people to produce toxic items that use up a lot of energy and produce a lot of carbon" 

We are all citizens, but when it comes to Conservation, being a citizen means playing your part in the decision that affect your community and earth.  Citizens educate themselves on issues that they care about and help to educate others about those issues.  Citizens find themselves rallying people or organizing civic engagement project or events to help create better communities and the environment.

What is your contribution (what are you most like it)

Question 2:  Explain how you can contribute as a Conservationist, Consumer and a Civic Citizen.
Civic Citizen - 

What did nature say

Question 1:  What did nature say?  What does this mean to you?

CAP Classes will be broken down into 3 parts. 

Part one:  Read through the material and watch the videos. 

Part Two:  Answer the RED Questions along the way on a piece of paper

Part Three:  Take a photo of it and send it - must be clear and legible or type out your answers in an email.

Invasive Weed Removal

Why building Barn Owl Boxes are important

Planting Native Trees

Building sustainable trails

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