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Nutritious Ideas

We want state that we are not nutritionists or doctors. Any information given on this site is only provided because we have either tried it, done research or just plainly interested in what we have learned so far.  We encourage you to do your own homework before jumping into something. However, we do not criticize others for what they learned or believe in.   This is not a debate page only a way of learning more. If you have information that shows better information, please share. We are still building this page, but feel free to enjoy what we got so far.

This Month's

Nutrition Spotlight

What is Holistic Medicine

Meet Mary Jane Morris from MJ Healthy Habits as she explains Holistic Medicine and its health benefits


She also demonstrates how to make two types of herbal tea - both cold and hot infusions.



Natural Products

Home Remedies

A way you can feel safe that what you are putting on your body is all natural.  No chemicals and full discloser on what is in each product.  Also workshops provided to teach you how to make your own


Vinegar to Essiac Tea

Click Here for a page of home remedy ideas and links to great sites

Recipes / Juicing

Yummy Healthy Receipies

Click Here for a page of recepie ideas and links to great sites

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