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Epic Adventure Quest


The Epic Adventure Quest sends you and your partners on a citywide adventure to checkpoints around town. Crazy obstacles at each checkpoint will test your brains and brawn, your moxie and muscle. Complete them all and head towards the finish where a Festival with, Music, Food and a Fabulous Prize Raffle awaits. It’s literally the most fun you’ll have on your bike or foot all spring.Rules

Current Locations

Lower Kings River - KR Wildlife Area
October 1st  2022

1st year Trial.  This quest will take you through the North and South Riverside Area just below the Pine Flat Dam, where the two farthest points are approx. 5 miles apart.  You will travel by foot, bike and headlamp.  Plan on using your brains, teamwork and coordination.  More info will come as the event unfolds.

Kirch Flat, Kings River
May 5, 2023    9 - 5pm

6th year running.  This quest is part of the Kings River Bash, therefore you must be signed up to go to the Bash in order to participate in the particular challenge.

Sanger  March 3, 2018    11 - 2pm

2nd year partnering with the Sanger Chamber of Commerce During the Blossom Trail Festival.  This one takes you around town and will includes many fun challenges.  Only $20 for your entire team.

1) Download Register Form

Currently set up for Sanger Only

Click on the button below to download registration information and the registration form.  Return this form before February 23rd in order to have your packet ready at the Epic Living Booth

2) Secure your Spot

Only $20.00 per team - Sanger

Only $40.00 per team - Squaw Leap

The button below will take you to our payment page.  Please select Epic Adventure Quest - Sanger.  Curently we are set up to take credit cards, paypal or you may pay at the registration booth the day.  Just note your registration is not secured until we receive payment.

3) Get more details

Rules and FAQs - Please read

Learn more about this event and get detailed information about what to expect by clicking the button below.

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or Online Register

You can register and pay online below.  However you will still need to sign the waiver when you check in.


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Squaw Leap

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Rules of the Quest

  • Checkpoints can be reached in any order

  • There are 3 types of checkpoints photo challenges or obstacle challenges that require a sign off.

  • At each completed checkpoint your team will either receive a stamp, discover a clue or you will need to take a photo show that the challenge was completed.  Where teams will turn in stamped page and show photos at the finish line.

  • Participants must plot their own corse, respect the land and obey municipal laws along the way.  They also must stay out of private property.  If they are discovered doing any of these they will be disqualified.

  • If any area is off limits it will be listed on an additional handout.

  • Teams must complete as many checkpoints as they can and cross the finish line within 3 hours.

  • If there is a line at a checkpoint, teams must wait until their turn before they chose to complete the challenge or sit it out.

  • For each challenge completed the team will receive a raffle ticket.

3) Go here to get Registration Packet


Squaw Leap

Sanger FAQs

  • How many miles - It will depend on the checkpoints currently we are looking at business owners within the City of Sanger to organize and manage their own checkpoint.  However it won't be any farther than 3 miles from the farthest checkpoints

  • Who can participate:  You must form a team of 4 participants.  You can have less (will be more challenging), but no more than four.   Any age older than 7 years old.  For children ages 7-12  an adult 18 and over needs to be on your team.

  • How can I travel between checkpoints:  Our goal is for this to be a walking or biking event (bring a lock), but you can travel with anything that is non-motorized.  If you are caught traveling in a motorized vehicle you will be disqualified.

  • How are winners selected?  This is not a timed race.  However you only have 3 hours to complete the entire course or as many as you can.  For every team that returns to the checkin/checkout table at the end of their adventure, they will receive a raffle ticket for every challenge that they complete successfully.  Raffle will take place after adventure ride is over.

  • Business owners  can take advantage of this adventure by hosting a challenge at their place of business.  We will provide a list of simple, yet fun challenges that they can choose from or they can create one of their own.  However they must provide any resources needed for participants to use.

  • At the registration booth, participants will receive a map of the course with locations of each checkpoint.  A few of the checkpoint challenges will be disclosed in the registration packet and other challenges will only be discovered when participants arrive at that checkpoint.  They will also get a band showing that they are part of the race.  This way we can keep the challenges clear for participants only

Squaw Leap FAQs

  • How many miles - It will depend on the checkpoints currently we are looking at a radius of 5 miles from the two farthest checkpoints

  • Who can participate:  You must form a team of 4 participants.  You can have less (will be more challenging), but no more than four.   Must be over the age of 18 for this first year.

  • How can I travel between checkpoints:  Our goal is for this to be a hiking event but may be a checkpoint or two that has you traveling by a different method.   If you are caught traveling in a motorized vehicle you will be disqualified.

  • How are winners selected?  There are two ways to win.  1) The team that completes all the challenges and crosses the finish line will receive awards.  However other teams will have 3 hours to complete the entire course or as many as you can.  For every team that returns to the checkin/checkout table at the end of their adventure, they will receive a raffle ticket for every 3 challenges that they complete successfully.  Raffle will take place after adventure ride is over.

  • At the registration booth, participants will receive a map of the course with locations of each checkpoint and a compass.  A few of the checkpoint challenges will be disclosed in the registration packet and other challenges will only be discovered when participants arrive at that checkpoint.  They will also get a band showing that they are part of the race.  This way we can keep the challenges clear for participants only.

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